Saturday, August 05, 2006


oil on gessobord, 5 x 5 inches

If you would like to purchase this painting, please email me at "dlane" at "" As a bonus, you will also receive a free original Haiku on the theme of smooth skin, summer breezes, and nature of appetite.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this is beautiful, David! I'm impressed! This looks good enough to eat. :) I love gessoboard/masonite. Do you use the cradled kind or the flat?

4:51 PM  
Blogger David said...

Jen -- thanks so much -- glad you could drop by!

I've been using the 1/8 inch thick kind, which I like a lot. It's super solid, has a great feel, and clips to my paint box nicely :-)

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David. Your work is lovely. Soft, simple and appetizing!!! You are inspiring me to start painting again. I love Jen's blog. It's now one of my "favorites". Very funny. Hope your summer is going well. It looks like it's been very productive!

Lisa Weinstein (acting workshop,improv)

8:36 PM  
Blogger David said...

Hey, Lisa! Thanks for dropping by -- I'm glad you are enjoying these little works. Can't wait to see what you get up to!

9:35 PM  
Blogger Steven LaRose said...

Thanks for adding me to your links David. This Nectarine is my current favorite. I have many question that I'll trickle to you over time. The first being: How can you paint by porchlight in New England with the black flies and Midgees? (I've done some summers in Freedom NH and spent a winter in Boxford/Topsfield Mass.)

1:04 AM  
Blogger David said...

Steven -- my pleasure. I've really been enjoying the conversations over on your blogs, and the latest series at the Fourth Wall. . . . LOL -- our front porch is a little harry, to be sure -- I'm constantly bombarded with moths of every shape and size which bounce off my paint box . . . or land on the back of my neck (shutter). The back porch is much nicer. It has shuttered glass windows and screens to let the breeze in. I was serenaded by a cicada for about an hour the other night who'd landed on the screen to see what was going on.

9:09 AM  
Blogger The Mater said...

SIL, I think you should now paint a grasshopper.

The nectarine is superb :>)

Love, MIL

9:08 PM  
Blogger Luis Colan said...

Hello David, I just found your site and I must say that I like your work. But out of all of them this nectarine takes the number one spot. This little painting is a gem! Take care and happy painting!


11:58 PM  
Blogger David said...

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9:23 AM  
Blogger David said...

Luis -- thanks for your comments -- it means much, coming from a fellow artist. I'm fond of the nectarine, too. It's amazing how these things work . . . it really didn't come together until the last minute of my session.

10:05 AM  

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