Saturday, January 09, 2010

Figure and Portrait Drawing at the Clark

February 7 thru March 28, 2010
Sundays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Drape, fold, swish, and figure—Giovanni Boldini's paintings excite the eye and spark the imagination. Using the mood and style of the master Boldini as inspiration, we will work from a live model, clothed and unclothed. El
ementary techniques and some advanced topics of figure and portrait drawing will be covered over the course of eight sessions. Basic supplies are provided.

$150 ($125 members). For more information and to register, call 413-458-0524. Registration deadline: Jan. 30th.

Full calendar of Clark events here:

Read more about the Boldini exhibition here:


Anonymous Artistic Lighting & Designs said...

Hmmm, sounds good. I just might check it out.

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:18 AM  
Blogger nashthinks said...

Wow... This woman in the painting just speaks volumes, no?

Now, please don't be angry with me if I don't interpret the art correctly, but:

She is the daughter of a man who own a vineyard. She is older now, so they aren't as close as they used to be. She is tired, and slumped, with a touch of Fab-you-luss. She fools around with a young man named James Tedd Almondshire, who has greenishly blue eyes, and a way with his lips. He and her have made love, and now she understands everything, perfectly.

But for some reason, she looks out on the world with a hopeless air. There is nothing to looks forward to... It's kind of sad.

Thanks, Nash.

1:07 AM  

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