Sunday, September 03, 2006

Southwest Harbor & Steuben Bay

Here are another two from my trip to Maine. The first is a view of Southwest Harbor; painted between 3:30 and 5:30 in the afternoon. The second is the view from Steuben Bay as the tide began to creep back in around noon. Both are 6 x 8 inches on linen panel. Sorry, these are not for sale this time around. Can't wait to get back up there. Some truly breathtaking sights.



Blogger David said...

Heh, heh, well, I'll make it up there again and bring back some more ;-) Miss you too, R.

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at your paintings tonight, I learned two secret goals of painting.

1) One should make their marks big, fresh, and visceral, in fact, treat color superficially in the beginning.

2) As one advances, one should simultaneously practice one's color mixing skills with a timer.

I came to this because (to me) your outside marks are best while your inside color is best.

Which makes sense. Outside, we are forced to make big quick decisions while painting, but on the Inside, in a more controlled environment, we can spend more time tweaking color.

That's the balance that we are looking for: Intuitive marks and intuitive color choices. Brashness and Delicacy.

Thanks, for everything.
(sorry for the anonymous route, since I've moved to blogger beta, I can't post comments at blogger alpha. They say that they are working on it. I can't complain, Blogger is one of the most influencial free services in history).

3:03 AM  
Blogger David said...

Hi Steven -- thanks so much for the thoughtful critique. I hadn't been thinking about how these come across as a group. I try to work as intuitively as possible, and I'm always happier when my marks are more painterly on the first try. Anyway, lots to consider. Cheers!

2:19 PM  
Blogger Ms. Kathleen said...

Beautiful paintings - again! I was so disappointed the other was not for sale. Are these? I love painting of water settings. I will stop by to see. On ebay what are they posted under when for sale. Thanks! Wonderful work!

4:21 PM  
Blogger David said...

Hi Kathleen --thanks for your comment! I'm so sorry -- these aren't going to be for sale, but I will post some auction paintings soon. I'll always put a link from here to ebay so they'll be easy to find. cheers! D.

9:16 PM  

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