Thursday, July 19, 2007

Paint Tubes

I'm quite proud of myself for knowing that less is more with this one. Once the major shapes were realized, a few subtle color shifts, shadow adjustments, and accents, took care of the rest. I really tried to be conscious of using directional brush strokes to help shape the form.

oil on gessobord, 5 x 7 inches

As a bonus, the winning bidder will also receive a free original Haiku on the theme of paint, color, and expression.



Blogger The Mater said...

David, your emerging talent is awesome. I'm very proud of you!

If some of these don't sell, they'd make lovely Mother's Day gifts. hehehehe

Love, MIL

9:42 AM  
Blogger 珍珠奶茶Eason said...

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9:42 PM  

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